How to install

• This guide is based on SpintiresMod.exe v 1.9.2 – (Download below)
• For the latest version (SpintiresModInstall.1.10.14-2.7z) see here.
• For Epic Games installation guide, click here.

If you’ve had SpinTires Plus in the first game (SpinTires 03/03/16), or you are completely new to the game and are wondering how YouTubers, friends etc. have the Dev Tools and battery winch, you’ve come to the right place! This tutorial will show you how to get the mod and be able to use it as easy as possible.

SpintiresMod is an executable program. Meaning you download it, install it on your computer with a setup wizard, and go from there.

How to install Spintires MudRunner mods

Once you have installed SpintiresMod with the setup (which I assume you know how to do. If not, ask below for guidance), it will launch. On the top left there is a button that says Mod Settings as seen in the screenshot above. Click that. Then, this window will appear.

How to install Spintires MudRunner mods

Click the Install… button on the right under Spintires Mudrunner Directory. Another window will appear that shows all your folders and drives. (Or other Steam directory)
Navigate to > This PC
——–L>Program Files x86
(or wherever you have Steam installed on your drive(s). In > common, select > Spintires Mudrunner and click Ok, then click Apply and Ok on the Mod Settings window.

How to install Spintires MudRunner mods

Launch MudRunner from SpinTiresMod. You will have a new button in Settings at the bottom that will say Advanced Options. That’s the in-game Mudrunner Plus Config panel, you’ll want to check all the boxes in there. Also, you must launch Mudrunner from SpintiresMod.exe on your desktop. Any other way like through steam library in most cases doesn’t work. And you’re done! (this also works for Spintires 03/03/16. Just install the Spintires directory in the according Install… button)

Still stuck on something? Just watch and follow this how to install mudrunner mods video (It really works! Updated in 2020):



Spintires: MudRunner Mods Converter / Editor

On Steam:

Win+R and type: “steam://install/716020” then press enter.


All sorts of bugs are possible. Version of Beta. Take a good check before install it. May have some issue.
Installation is not required – you only need to unpack the archive.

31 Comments on “How to install”

    1. Did you re-install the full game or the mod program? Having some trouble with this steam_api.dll error on my epic games copy

  1. Hi, Unfortunately I have the version of the game Spintires MudRunner from the Epic Store and this mod (SpintiresMod.exe) is not compatible with the version from the epic store. The mod tells me that it cannot find steam_api.dll. They could make this mod compatible with the Epic store version. When I install a tracked vehicle and when I enter the game, the vehicle appears without the tracks and I read on web pages that this mod solves that problem. Please make this mod compatible with the epic store version, I downloaded a lot of tracked vehicles and none worked.

  2. soooo, when i downloaded the file from this website it didnt download as a .exe file but as a 7zip???? I downloaded 7zip and got it running and have an issue with _api.dll like everyone else… i give up, im tired of game related stuff not working, im literally doing everything the tutorials say

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